Once upon a time, at the ripe old age of 3 (1968), my mother
laid out all my favorite foods on our kitchen table and let me put my own lunch
together. What I put together would turn out to be my absolute favorite food to
this day (2017). I’m talking, of course, about the amazing, the wonderful, the
spectacular, the flavorful Peanut Butter and Onion Sandwich! Now unwrinkle your
nose and give it a try. You’ll probably find it quickly becoming your favorite
food too as did my good friend, ultra-runner Dong Lin. He eats it every day
I car-camped in the Santa Monica Mountain Range in March
2017 and lived on peanut butter and onion sandwiches, Guinness and Fireball the
entire week. I ate peanut butter and onion sandwiches for every meal and packed
them in my pack for whenever I felt I needed a little boost of energy on trail.
Ingredients: Bread (I prefer whole wheat or multi-grain), a
fresh onion, and peanut butter. I’ve experimented with many brands of peanut
butter over the years and I firmly believe the best is offered from the Vermont
Peanut Butter Company (https://www.vtpeanutbutter.com/).
They offer 100% natural flavors with no GMOs, no refines sugar, no hydrogenated
oils, no preservatives or trans fats. My favorite flavor is Green Mountain
Goodness which is a smooth combination of almond and peanuts mixed with flax
and pumpkin seeds. Plus, it’s made in Vermont like me so you know it’s good!
Try it, you’ll love it too!