Monday, July 24, 2017

Monadnock 8 Peak Single Day Challenge

I had the pleasure of growing up in beautiful Bellows Falls, Vermont located on the west bank of the Connecticut River with equally beautiful New Hampshire on the other side. While we didn’t have any huge mountains like the Rockies or the Alps, Vermont and New Hampshire do have hundreds of beautiful mountains and thousands of miles of great trails to explore. One of my three favorite mountains to run and hike on was Mount Monadnock located in southern New Hampshire between the towns of Marlborough, Dublin, Jaffrey and Troy. Its rocky peak stands at 3,165 feet with a prominence of more than 2,100 feet over the surrounding lands. The Abnacki Native Americans that lived in the area called the mountain “Monadnock” which literally means “Mountain that stands alone”. Monadnock is located within the Monadnock State Park which includes over 5,000 acres of protected land and over 40 miles of marked trails. It is said that Monadnock is the second most climbed mountain in the world behind only Mount Fuji in Japan.
I returned to Monadnock on Saturday July 16, 2017 with a different goal than any time before. Instead of following the usual White Arrow Trail to Grand Monadnock Peak and back, on this day I would visit the lower four peaks as well. While scrolling through the challenges on I recently found the “Monadnock 5 Peak Challenge” which they state is usually attempted as a day hike. Since I planned to combine hiking and running, I would add to this challenge and create my own personal challenge. I added the three Pack Monadnock Peaks as well since they are located less than 20 miles to the east. And so, on this day, the Monadnock 8 Peak Single Day Challenge was born.
I arrived at the Old Toll Road trailhead parking lot about 8 am and paid the $5 summer parking fee. Now before I bore you with the rest of my adventure I feel I should warn those of you that prefer to hike or run with your dog, like I do, dogs are not allowed on Mount Monadnock. Now with that said, up we go! At the trailhead you can follow the Old Toll (dirt) Road or do as I did and take the far less travelled Old Halfway House Trail just to the left. Whichever you choose, they both merge just below the site of the Halfway House which stood there from 1860 to 1954. From this point I took the Monte Rosa Trail on the left to my first peak. The trail immediately climbs steeply over roots, rocks and at times near cliff-like inclines. The views from Monte Rosa’s 2,540 foot summit were well worth the effort. I rested there for about a half hour and ate one of my usual peanut butter & onion sandwiches before continuing my climb.

After leaving Monte Rosa I followed the Smith Summit Trail for a little ways before taking a right onto the Amphitheatre Trail and then a left onto the very busy White Arrow Trail. The White Arrow Trail, while probably the easiest route, does include some very steep sections before arriving at Grand Monadnock Peak. Unlike Monte Rosa, I had to share the 3,165 foot peak with a couple hundred others. The views were just as amazing as I had remembered. On a clear day you can see parts of all six New England states including Mount Washington and the Boston skyline.

From Grand Monadnock I ran down the Dublin Trail to Dublin Peak. This peak sits only a couple hundred yard away 3,041 feet elevation.
Since the view was basically the same I immediately ran back up over Grand Monadnock, turned left and headed down the Pumpelly Trail. This trail is marked with large cairns (large piles of stone) about every 100 yards or so. Town Line Peak is about a mile away and sits at 2,884 feet. Like Monte Rosa, I had this peak to myself as well. I sat on the cliff’s edge for about a half hour watching a group of hawks float effortless below me. I then ran/hiked back up to Grand Monadnock Peak for my third and final time before heading to my fifth peak, Bald Rock.  

From Grand Monadnock, I climbed down the busy White Dot Trail, turned right onto the White Cross Trail, and right again onto the Smith Connecting Trail to Bald Rock. Although the Mount Monadnock Hiking Trails map (attached) lists this peak as Bald Rock there is a huge boulder with its real name, Kiasticuticus Peak, engraved in it. From Kiasticuticus I climbed down the aptly named Cliff Walk Trail. Cliff Walk ends at the Parker Trail. I turned right following Parker Trail back to the Old Toll Road and finally back to my car. In all, I hit all 5 Monadnock peaks and travelled 8.2 miles. I ate a couple more peanut butter & onion sandwiches, washed them down with a warm Guinness and then headed over to Miller State Park for the Pack Monadnock portion of my challenge.

Miller State Park is located off of Route 101 near Peterborough, NH. This park was created in 1891 making it New Hampshire’s first state park. The trailhead begins at the right rear of the parking lot near the toilets. From there you can access the first summit by following the paved road or climbing the Wapack Trail (yellow blazes) or Marion Davis Trail (blue blazes). I took the Wapack Trail to the left since the Wapack crests all three peaks. While the Miller State Park at Pack Monadnock map (attached) lists only Pack Monadnock (2,290 feet) and North Pack Monadnock (2,276 feet), Middle Pack (1,968 feet) is clearly seen in the photo below. The first half mile of the Wapack is very steep climbing rocky ledge before leveling off somewhat before the final push to the summit. There is a 30 foot fire tower at the peak from which you can see the Majestic Mount Monadnock to the west, Mount Washington to the north and Boston once again. The Wapack continues north just to the left of a stone shelter. There is a sign marking your arrival on North Pack Monadnock but that’s about it. I took the Wapack Trail back to Pack Monadnock and then Marion Davis Trail back to the parking lot. My total mileage for this hike was 7.5 miles.


(See, Middle Pack Monadnock does exist. Take that!)
(Mount Monadnock to the west)

So there you have it, the Monadnock 8 Peak Challenge: Monte Rosa (2,540’), Grand Monadnock (3,165’), Dublin Peak (3,041’), Town Line Peak (2,884’), Bald Rock or Kiasticuticus Peak (2,628’), Pack Monadnock (2,290’), Middle Pack Monadnock (1,968’) and North Pack Monadnock (2,276’). If you are ever in southern New Hampshire go check them out. You won’t be disappointed. Here’s a few  more photos.


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